Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Banking Syariah 2

     This is continuation of banking syariah 1. Now i will discuss about akad from syariah bank. Akad derived from the Arabic ('aqada). Akad is an agreement among two or more person that have the same purpose. Akad must have client, dealer, and something that will be sold or purchased. Akad have 2 types :
  • Akad Tabarru
  1. Qardh
  2. Wadiah
  3. Wakalah
  4. Kafalah 
  5. Rahn
  6. Hibah
  7. Waqf
  8. Hawalah
  • Akad Tijarah
  1. Murabahah
  2. Salam
  3. Istishna
  4. Ijarah
  5. Musyarakah
  6. Muzara’ah
  7. Musaqah
  8. Mukharabah
  9. Mudharabah
     First, i will discuss about Akad Tabarru. Akad tabarru is akad given by the bank based mutual help and no expect profit. Tpyes from akad tabarru is :
  1. Qardh is akad for debt.
  2. Wadiah is akad for deposit money.
  3. Wakalah is akad for awarding of mandate.
  4. Kafalah is akad for contingent guarantee.
  5. Rahn is hold one of the property of the borrower as collateral for the loans he received.
  6. Hibah is giving something to others voluntarily.
  7. Waqf is giving something where it is use for public and relidious interests.
  8. Hawalah is akad for factoring.
     Second, i will discuss about Akad Tijarah. Akad tijarah is akad given by the bank the expected profit. Types from akad tijarah is :
  1. Murabahah is akad selling price and profit agreed between seller and buyer.
  2. Salam is akad paid when item already exists.
  3. Istishna is the booking akad in advance.
  4. Ijarah is  akad for lease.
  5. Musyarakah is akad for cooperation, capital 50% of the bank and 50% of client.
  6. Muzara'ah is akad syirkah in the field of agriculture used to farm crops a year.
  7. Musaqah is akad syirkah in agriculture, where the annual crop is used for agriculture.
  8. Mukharabah is akad muzara'ah where his seed came from land owners.
  9. Mudharabah is akad for coorperation but capital 100% of the bank.
 Source : Workshop Economic Banking Syariah in Gunadarma University

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