Minggu, 09 Juni 2013


     Now i will discuss about TOEFL. TOEFL  abbreviation of Test of English a Foreign Language. TOEFL is standardization of the English language ability of a person in writing. TOEFL  created and developed by ETS (Eductional Testing Service) in New Jersey, USA since 1963. TOEFL required to enroll in college or university foreign. TOEFL has 2 goals: Academic and General.

      Terms of academic goals for education and research related to domestic or foreign. TOEFL score for S1 is 500 and for S2 is 550. Terms of general goals for employment and promotion or job assignment. Minimun TOEFL score is 500. TOEFL purpose is to measure the extent to which a person is able to use or English language according to established standards.

     There are 3 kinds of TOEFL form: PBT (Paper Based Test), CBT (Computer Based Test), dan IBT (Internet Based Test). PBT TOEFL is first TOEFL form issued by ETS. TOEFL PBT using the system on paper or sheets of paper and answer sheet about to be filled with a 2B pencil. The material tested is listening, structure, and reading with score range 310-677. Long time to work is 2-2.5 hours.

     CBT TOEFL is second form, replace PBT TOEFL. CBT system does not use paper but worked directly with your computer. The material tested is listening, structure, reading and writing with score range 0-300. Long time to work is 2-2.5 hours. The latest TOEFL form issued by ETS and the start was introduced in 2005. In IBT, ETS many make changes to the format and system TOEFL. IBT TOEFL also use the computer as CBT, but the IBT test system using the internet. The material tested is listening, speaking, reading and writing. While the structure melted in 4 of the test material unity. Score range IBT TOEFL is 0-300. Long time to work is 4 hours.

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