Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

It's my PI

     Bank is known as financial institutions whose main activity receives demand deposits, savings and time deposits. Bank is also known as a place to borrow money (loans) for communities in need. Bank is a place to exchange money, transferring money or accept all forms of payment and deposit. The following definition of the various bank reference:

  • According to UU No. 10 of RI in 1998 about banking:
  1. Bank is a business entity that funds from the public in the form of savings and channel it to the public in the form of credit and other forms of forms – in order to improve the people's livelihood.
  2. Commercial bank is a bank conducting business in a conventional or based on sharia principles and provides services in payment traffic.
  • According to Sri, Subagyo Fatmawati, Rudy Badrudin, Astuti Purnamawati, and Algifari (1998: 44), public Bank is a business entity that is its main activities receive deposits from the public or other parties, then mengalokasikannya returns to profit as well as providing services – services in payment traffic.
     Understanding bank above the main efforts that put pressure bank is brought together in the form of deposits funds that are a source of funds to banks. Similarly in terms of channeling their funds, the bank should not only benefit the eyes of for the owner but also its activities it should be directed at improving livelihood of the community.
According to Drs. Ismail, MBA., Ak (2010: 12) the main function of the bank, namely in penghimunan and activities to third parties, activity penyauran funds to parties in need of funds, and the bank's activities in providing services to the community.
  • Collector of Funds
Bank collects funds from the public in the form of deposits. Community trust bank as a safe place to store money. The Bank will pay a certain amount of Community funds is gathering together the magnitude depends on the type of deposits. Types of deposits: deposits, savings and checking deposits.
  • Distribution of Funds 
The second function of banks is to channel funds to communities in need of funds. Disbursements made by banks are mostly in the form of credit or loan. With credit or loans by the bank to the debtor (borrower), the bank will earn remuneration in the form of interest for conventional banks and profit sharing and other fringe benefits for Islamic banks.The second function of banks is to channel funds to communities in need of funds. Disbursements made by banks are mostly in the form of credit or loan. With credit or loans by the bank to the debtor (borrower), the bank will earn remuneration in the form of interest for conventional banks and profit sharing and other fringe benefits for Islamic banks.
  •  Care Services
Support services is an activity that can be provided by the bank. Services are divided into two types, namely: banking services in domestic and foreign banking services. Banking services in the country are the type of services provided by banks relating to transactions - transactions between banks in the country. And the services of foreign banks is kind services provided by the bank relating to transactions - transactions with correspondent banks (foreign bank located outside the country who have a cooperative relationship with a bank located in Indonesia).

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