National resilience is composed of two words: resilience and national. Resilience is the ability of a person to resist body fatigue during activity takes place. nationality is a national nature; concerning or derived from the nation it self. So, national resilience is a dynamic condition of a nation consisting of toughness and tenacity and the ability to develop a national power in the face of all kinds and forms of threats, challenges, obstacles and distractions that come both from within and outside, directly or indirectly threatening and jeopardize the integrity, identity, survival of the nation and the state as well as the struggle to realize the objectives of the national struggle.
The point of view of the concept of national resilience: National Resilience as a condition, National Resilience as an approach, method or manner in carrying out a particular activity development of the country, and National Resilience as a doctrine. National Resilience as a condition is ideal state or condition thus allows a country has the ability to develop national strength to be able to confront all kinds of threats and disruption to the survival of the nation is concerned. National Resilience as an approach, method or manner in carrying ou t a particular activity development of the country, this approach uses systemic thinking (systems thinking). National Resilience as a doctrine is one of the typical conception of Indonesia in the form of conceptual teachings about the arrangement and organization of the State.
Elements – elements of national resilience there are 8: Elements of the population, Elements of the territory, Elements of natural resources, Elements in the field of ideology, Element in the political, Element in the economic, Elements in the field of socio-cultural, Elements in the field of defense and security. The nature of national resilience is Independent, Dynamic, Be United, Authority, Consultation and Cooperation. There are 6 conception of national resilience: toughness, tenacity, identity, integrity, threat, obstacles and distractions.
Toughness cause someone or something to endure, suffer or be able to cope with strong and carried the load. Tenacity is business actively with the hard skills in using the abilities to reach the goal. Identity is typical of a nation or country taken as a whole. Integrity is the overarching unity in national life a nation both social as well as natural elements, both are potential as well as functional. Threat is case/attempt that is change or overhaul the wisdom and the effort was done conceptually, criminal and political. Obstacles and distractions is case/attempt comes from outside and from yourself.
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